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Standout Quarterback Goes In-Depth on Napier, Gators & Much More

QB Colin Hurley
QB Colin Hurley (Nick Lucero/

Standout Quarterback goes One-on-One

Colin Hurley


6-foot-1, 215 Pounds

Jacksonville (FL)

Trinity Christian Academy


First, I want to give thanks to God. I'm blessed to be able to play this game that I love so much. I also want to acknowledge my teammates and coaches. This is a team sport, and I credit them. I'd also like to thank my support circle - parents, trainers, teachers, pastor, and advisors, as well as my teammates and coaches, who helped to guide me through this journey.

As for the update on my recruitment at the University of Florida, I think it's important to clarify where the Gators are on my list and where they stand on me. That's really how recruitment works - it's got to be mutual on both sides, and there must be interest, transparency, and respect.

I was a top target under the previous coaching staff. Florida was, and remains, a top school for me today. After visiting for Friday Night Lights (FNL) and meeting Coach Napier, Coach O'Hara, and the rest of the Gators' staff, I feel that remains unchanged. They made it very clear I am a priority, and I made it clear Florida is included in my shortlist.

This past year, I had a long season, with us playing well into December and winning another state title. I think the new staff came into place and immediately had to begin building their staff and establishing a culture, environment, and tone. That may have been why we couldn't connect on our schedules. I had a great 7v7 season and had already identified the schools I wanted to visit and camp at. When FNL was announced, it made a lot of sense.

I don't do the camp marathons or multi-school tours. I don't, and won't, chase offers. I don't play social media QB. I monitor the recruiting landscape and what programs and other top prospects are doing; however, I won't be pressured or overly influenced into any decision based on what others are doing. I prefer to establish an authentic relationship with a staff and allow my body of work to speak for itself.

We will look at the program, the staff, the conference, the QB Room, the players, the town where the school is located, the recruiting class, the academics, and if the program will prepare me for the League, Name Image Likeness and everything else. Then, we will make a decision.

The FNL Camp and visit went great. I really enjoyed meeting Coach Napier, Coach O'Hara, and the new staff. They made me feel very welcome.

We spent a lot of personal time together. We watched over an hour of the film - my and some college films. I broke down film reels, and I think they see how committed I am to that area. We also white-boarded offense and defense. We covered fronts, which was a really good overall football development session for me.

We also visited the new facility, which will be one of the country's most modern and amazing facilities. It's absolutely beautiful. Obviously, the academics at Florida are top in the state and country, so that's well established.

One of my favorite points of the visit and most important was when we just sat down and talked about people. Culture, character, investing in people, family, values, principles, and just humanity. It was a really deep conversation, and it's a lot like what we do at Trinity and with my trainers and family. It tells a lot about the environment and is bigger than football.

There's a lot that people don't see or know about me at my high school. Coach Dorminey really invests in me as a person. He prays with me. He always asks about my family. He asks a lot from me. I vacuum the locker room. I help with laundry. I prepare all the game balls. I watch film. He talks to me about saving money about giving back to the community. He really cares about the person first, then the player at Trinity. I want the same vibe at the college I attend.

I've seen that same takeaway at a few of the programs on my shortlist (about 7 schools), and Florida showed that to me. The Gators are a top school for me.

The FNL Camp was well run and organized. The Swamp is an amazing place. I enjoyed my time there. I'll be back when the Gators play Utah.

My favorite place in the world is Conqueror Stadium at Trinity Christian on Friday Nights. I love to run out onto the field, with my teammates and coaches, in front of our fans and play this game. It's amazing!

I'd say my Freshman campaign was a huge success. I play for a National Powerhouse Program. I am a 2x State Champion. I was named FL 2A Overall Player of the Year and FL 2A All-State 1st Team. I am blessed to have nearly 30 D1 offers - all of them committable. My film speaks for itself. My physical metrics, football IQ, arm talent, leadership, and passion for the game are verified.

My teammates and coaches are a big part of this, and I can't overstate my love and appreciation for them. It's not about just me… it's about team! I'm so grateful to them.

I know when I play college football, it will be tenfold! It's a dream and a goal of mine. If that's at Florida, in the Swamp, then Let's Go Gator Nation‼️

Let's see what happens, but I will say this…stay tuned.

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